Introducing our First Bernedoodle Litter
The Bernedoodle is a cross between a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle, in our case a Moyen Poodle. Bernedoodles are intelligent, friendly dogs who enjoy relaxing and playing with kids and other pets. They are loyal, have a good nature and don't shed or drool like full-breed Bernese Mountain Dogs can.

C Bar S Princess Zara ("Dixie")

Dixie is our first Bernese Mountain Dog. She's from SK Bernese Mountain Dogs and comes from Russian and Polish bloodlines. Dixie is as sweet-natured as they come and loves every member of her family with passion and energy. She is instinctually loving and nurturing with her humans as well as other four-legged friends. We are beyond excited for Dixie's first litter coming in November!
Kare’s Strait Aces ("George")

George is owned by Majestic Moyens & Bernadorable Bernedoodles. George has produced Champions, Working Service Dogs, Certified Service Dogs, Dogs titled in Fast Cat, Trick Dog, Barn Hunt, & Obedience and many beloved family members throughout the US & Canada. He consistently produces superior conformation, temperament, & trainability. George fancies himself a ladies’ man. He is full of life, and loves to play just as much as he loves to cuddle. His conformation, bite, and temperament are excellent. Best of all, his puppies are inheriting his handsome looks and winning personality.
Dixie & George Litter Born November 23, 2024

Important Dates
Breed Date: September 20, 2024
Birth Date: November 23, 2024
Go-Home Date: January 17, 2025
One Reservation Available
# Reservations
1 Held by Breeder
2 Filled
3 Available
Dixie's Dixie Chicks Litter - 7-Weeks Old - Jan. 11 2025

